JOY LINKS for December 2019

Your December JOY LINKS are here. Happy Holidays to you.

This month I’m thrilled to introduce you to a subscriber, Jennifer Kaufman. A powerhouse of creativity and heart, Jennifer’s most recent book launched in November, and it is gaining traction!

#BeCourageous highlights young authors (including her nieces) sharing stories of finding triumph in difficult times.

With key concepts like self-love, bouncing back, gratitude, and letting go, readers can breakthrough fears and feel empowered. I love the book for kids and adults, too! Congrats Jennifer, Meghan, and Kate!

A Soul Inspired Life LINKS

We all have our ups and downs. But if you want to continually feel like you’re riding high on life and miracles just seem to drop into your lap out of nowhere, I highly recommend you download this free e-book: The 4 Biggest Mistakes that Keep You From Living a Miraculous Life.

It’s from my good friends and bestselling authors, Marci Shimoff, Dr. Sue Morter and Lisa Garr and they’re giving their e-book away for a very short time.

Here is a gem of a resource if you want to connect with others and enjoy Authentic Relating. Instead of hosting a regular mix and mingle party, how about inviting personal connection through games?

You can get a free manual with fifty questions to deepen relationships (and bring life to your gatherings) HERE The manual inspired me, and now we host theme parties at our home that include group sharing.

Check out Jed Diamond latest book, 12 Rules for Good Men. Based on the findings from evolutionary science, there was an earlier time in human history where males and females enjoyed greater equality. Can we achieve it again? There are biological differences between males and females that need to be understood and respected if we are to end the battle of the sexes and co-create a better world. This book is practical (like a guide) and helpful for men and the women who love them, too.

Soul Inspired Business LINK

In the spirit of giving, I invite you to look at investing in small businesses through Kiva. This organization is different from traditional charities because you get to choose who to support, and your contribution is a loan, not a donation. 100% of your loans go to support borrowers. If you need a small loan to grow your business, this is worth a look. Check out Kiva

Inspired Insights for December: (From Inspired) 

“When you come from a spirit of giving, you will feel good about yourself and what you’ve accomplished. It is not yours to judge if you gave in big or small ways. All giving is good giving. Indeed, a life of love, joyful play, and service is a life well-lived.”

Together we are INSPIRED!

Joy Taylor 

empowering evolutionary entrepreneurs to lead with purpose 


*Unless specifically stated, the links I share are not affiliate links nor do I receive any financial reimbursement for promoting them. I share what’s lighting me up in hopes that it does the same for you.


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