JOY LINKS for January 2020

Your January JOY LINKS are here. Happy January to you.
I love HIGHLIGHTING subscribers, and this month I am thrilled to introduce you to Naomi Nygaard, MA. She is a FAB (Food and Body) Freedom mentor. Naomi guides and supports us to be free from the burdens that hinder joyful and blissful relationships with food and our beautiful bodies.
She’s hosting a 14-day FAB Freedom Bootcamp online, welcoming a small group of women seeking to step into this decade with a commitment to the lasting change that love brings: FAB Freedom Online Bootcamp is FREE to all Joy LINKS subscribers. (Normally $49). Simply type JOY as your coupon code.
A Soul Inspired Life LINKS
The Noon Club is an alliance of people (like you and me) that focuses on intentional power every day at noon to create a loving impact on human consciousness. We set their smartphones for noon and pause in silence or to offer a brief declaration, transmitting peace.
Say Yes to Life by Elliott Robertson is a poetic and profound read. The subtitle, Seven Keys to Living Full Out from Within says it all. Learn pathways from the mind to the heart.
We all experience loss at times and Olivia Newton-John’s video Liv On offers soothing encouragement. (If you know Amazon John, he is in it, too!)
Evolutionary Entrepreneur LINKS
Clients often ask, “What online learning software do you recommend?” My response is, “It depends on what you want to achieve." My go-to resource for choosing a learning management system (LMS) is Jeff Cobb of The Learning Revolution. Get his Online Course Platform Guide for free.
Are you using Square? It is a way to offer point of sale and take credit cards using your mobile phone. It’s simple to set up your own account. Use, my link, and you will receive FREE processing on up to $1,000 in credit card transactions for the first 180 days*
Watch this cool video on building a storybrand and see how to invite your customers into a story - with a framework where they are the "hero". (You are my hero or heroine.)
Inspired Insight for January: (From Inspired)
“Success comes from figuring things out as you go along.
I no longer seek out the perfect-looking trainers or teachers.
I no longer try to be one, either.
I prefer the teachers who are not afraid of revealing their Achilles’ heel.
I love to learn from companion guides who understand the process of forever mastering—forever becoming.”
Together we are INSPIRED!
Joy Taylor
empowering evolutionary entrepreneurs to lead with purpose.
*Unless specifically stated, the links I share are not affiliate links nor do I receive any financial reimbursement for promoting them. I share what’s lighting me up in hopes that it does the same for you.
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