JOY LINKS for April 2020

Your April JOY LINKS are here.
Happy April … plants and trees are blooming in Oregon. How about for you?
We are in a global COVID-19 crisis, and we are in an era of discernment. This is a choice point, collectively and individually. How do we choose to spend our time? Who are we connecting with and what media are we tuning into?
Below is your monthly Joy LINKS – My favorite finds online. (I believe they are good choices.) I hope these resources support your personal and professional evolution.
Explore theses soul-inspired life and business resources.
Subscriber Spotlight
This month, I’m highlighting subscriber, David Hazard. David was my writing coach when I first started the manuscript for Inspired. He continues to be a companion guide for me with his deep wisdom and ability to articulate in story and prose! David supports authors to reach their peak writing & publishing aspirations as a writing coach and mentor. I celebrate David’s commitment to consciousness and his understanding that we are “all in this together”.
A Soul Inspired Life LINKS
I spent much of April reading and practicing the counter-intuitive exercises from the book, Existential Kink by Carolyn Elliott. A truth-telling guide for bringing our shadow into the light, this book invites us to make conscious the unconscious in the most pleasurable ways.
This free gift outlines supportive reminders for staying centered in these unusual times - How to Clear Your Energy for Empaths and Sensitives by Erin Moore.
Stop trying to be good and trust your untamed heart, this interview with Glennon Doyle and Marie Forleo is simply delightful and inspiring.
Soul Inspired Business LINKS
I am a big fan of The Business Success Café. Each Thursday you can watch a 20-minute interview on specific business growth topics.
My next Free Monthly Masterclass is all about showing up with authenticity online. Are You Ready to Be Seen? Join me on May 14th.
Looking for creative funding to grow your dream. My friend, Kathleen offers a $19 crowdfunding quick assessment that helps you determine if crowdfunding is right for you.
If you are a service professional in the well-being field, I suggest general and professional liability insurance. I recommend Alternative Balance Insurance because of the reasonable pricing, helpful customer care, and credibility of the company. I am an affiliate. You can be one, too.
I have a full list of business resources that I use and recommend on my website. Check it out.
Inspired Insight for April: (From Inspired)
“When you come from a spirit of service, fear lessens. You will accomplish great things in less time if you put others first. The mission becomes paramount.”
Together we are INSPIRED!
Joy Taylor
empowering evolutionary entrepreneurs to lead with purpose
*Unless specifically stated, the links I share are not affiliate links nor do I receive any financial reimbursement for promoting them. I share what’s lighting me up in hopes that it does the same for you.
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