My path of receiving and how it changed me

My intimate connection with Gavin transforms my life in ways I never imagined.

We’ve been brought together for a mighty purpose, nurturing each other into our natural blossoming. His presence enhances many areas of my life, including my work.

Our connection deepens my ability to open, receive, and share.

Through this transformation, I find myself naturally transmitting a more gracious vibe.

Day by day, breath by breath, I’m learning that receiving is a doorway into the feminine, into intuition, into the unknown and the mystery. Through our love, I’m anchoring new levels of trust—trust in him, in my discernment, and the benevolence of Spirit.

With this newfound trust, I’m letting go of the grip of control. I'm receiving all the good coming my way.

I’m learning to allow love and creativity to flow through me, receiving a gracious flow.

This shift into a more evolved feminine frequency was intentional and began even before I met Gavin.

In the winter before we met, I dedicated myself to practicing receiving, opening up, and letting go of control. I focused on feeling my emotions, allowing myself to release long-held fears, anger, resentment, and grief. I communed with nature, slowed down, renewed my body, and danced with abandon. I cleansed my energy centers and felt more profound gratitude for my life, even during challenging times. I took in the beauty around me.

Cultivating my feminine energy was essential because I had been running on a lot of masculine power. I was driven, ambitious, and adept at getting things done, creating structures, and keeping everything together.

During challenges (internally or externally), I was strong and held a loving presence for myself amidst the turmoil. My healthy masculine energy was well-developed, providing steady stability.

I knew I could depend on my inner masculine energy, so I invited myself to loosen up, find my flow, and explore my receptivity. I reminded myself, “I’m good. I’m safe. I can let go and flow.” Once I started embracing the receptive, a natural and fluid transformation occurred.

This profound love affair between the evolved masculine and feminine started within my consciousness, and then, so much changed in my outer world.

Meeting Gavin, who embodies a healthy masculine presence, gave me more space to expand my opening. His generosity and proclivity to provide encouraged me to receive and to be cared for.

Now, I share this potential with others. I’m honored to support women in this delicate process of surrendering, receiving, and being a conduit of positive change.

It starts within. Transform your energy towards the receptive feminine, and then the form follows naturally. You'll be guided and showered with blessings. Stay alert and receive the messages.

I write this vulnerably and with the intent to inspire. May you explore receiving in new ways. Let me know what you discover.


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My path of receiving and how it changed me

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