Knowing Your Ideal Client.


Who are you marketing for anyway? 

Do you know who is looking for (maybe even praying for) the solutions that you offer? Do you understand what they are longing for?

Once you know with total clarity who you are “marketing for” you send out more personal messages. Messages that make them say, “How did she know what I was thinking?”

You share with your heart, not your head.


Your heart shines through because you are imagining them reading your email or watching your video as you create it! 

You proactively infuse your soulful mission into what you communicate because your passion is alive, and you sincerely want to help. You feel their pain. You care. And you offer hope and direction in all your materials. (In other words, you are not selling, you are serving with quality content and inspiration.)

When you know who you are marking for (and you wholeheartedly believe in your service), it is your moral duty to reach them, touch them, speak to their hopes, and understand their fears. It is your job to be visible. 

Yes, go out and find your ideal clients. Discover where they hang out. Get visible in all the right places online and off. 

Marketing is helping people (your ideal clients) to make a decision to make a change in their lives that they want to make. 

As an entrepreneur, you are in the business of marketing whether you think you like it or not. I venture to say you can learn to enjoy it. I did!   

Here is the deal: When you get yourself present to the care you have for your clients—their healing, their success, whatever you’re wanting for them—you become a magnet… 

There are many elements to a strong client attraction plan.  

Step one is knowing your ideal client.

Powerful client attraction expresses your mission and values. It includes images, branding, a useful website, a client journey, and a series of outreach methods.

Too many entrepreneurs jump right into methods and strategies before taking the time to develop a deep knowing of who they serve. This can be a waste of time and money for you. It can also be confusing, disempowering, and overwhelming. 

Know who you serve and then choose your methods more wisely.

Choose the fastest, most fun, and most efficient ways to reach them. 

So, who are your ideal clients?

Make sure they are the people who will naturally connect with you, like you, and respect you.  

You don’t want to be vanilla—trying to serve everyone—because you are not vanilla. You are you. Be the authentic you and your ideal clients will love that special flavor that you are.

When you do this, you show up in all your glory with the images and words that reflect you and allure your ideal clients to your work. It is natural, not formulaic. 

O.K. Sounds good, right? 

But you might be thinking, “How? What does that look like?”  

Take a deep breath before you do anything marketing and ask, “Who am I marketing for?” (not marketing to, but marketing for). When you are marketing for, you create connection.

Feel your heart open up. Tap into their needs. Imagine one ideal client or your ideal audience. Visualize yourself supporting them.   

Now with that image in mind, get creative and be real. Drop the pretense and any “should,” and say or write what comes from your heart … on your website, in your email campaigns, on social media, in interviews, as a speaker, on video, and in your relationship building.

Joy Taylor



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